Ever Had One of Those Days? by Rev. Cindy Yamamoto

We’ve all experienced those ‘Murphy’s Laws’ kind of days. Admit it. Even the most spiritually awake
and connected people have days where nothing seems to go right. It makes sense. We live in a very
busy world with a lot of moving parts and people. So many things that are not in our control. I had one
of those days yesterday. Is it a coincidence that I’m leaving on vacation today? I think not. Is it a
coincidence that I got this “Message from the Universe” today?
“Believe me, I know all about it. I know the stress. I know the frustration. I know the temptations of
time and space. Cindy, we worked this out ahead of time. They’re part of the plan. We knew this stuff
might happen. Actually, you insisted they be triggered whenever you were ready to be thinking
thoughts you’ve never thought before.
Good on you,
The Universe”
Ah, so it’s time to think some new thoughts, eh?
Indeed! Whenever, we experience an earthly stressor of any sort we are reminded of our humanness
which then triggers the awareness that we are more than just human; that we are connected to/one
with the Divine Source of all good. (Well, maybe we need a friend or colleague to remind us of that
sometimes.) But, that’s why we’re all here; to serve in that capacity for one another. None of us get to
escape from the daily occurrences of being human. And, would we want to? Being human is where so
much of the fun happens.
So, I am very grateful to all of you, my colleagues for being my support and reminder, and helping me to
think new thoughts like “Breathe.” (Thanks, Ray) And now I’m off to remember how connected I
always am with my Divine Source as I sit in the sand, swim in the bay, bask in the sun, and play with my
family. And to enjoy the emotional connections that come from being human and the laughter and
As co-chair of the Great Lakes Regional Conference planning team, I’d like to remind you that
conference is a time to get recharged in Spirit and reconnected with the friends and colleagues who are
always here to support you and welcome your humanness. Perhaps it’s time for you to meet some new
folks too. There is always a lot of laughter and learning, collaboration and celebration, music and
memories made. Register to attend “Adventures in Resilience: Deepening Our Lives Together” in person
We are built for adventure, and together we are more resilient. Murphy’s Law can’t have its way with
us. Let’s be there for one another knowing that in every shared experience, we all grow. See you there.
In Peace, Joy, and Love,
Rev. Cindy Yamamoto