From Diane Robinson, Regional Rep and Outreach Ambassador
Wonderful colleagues,
It was truly wonderful meeting some of you at the Great Lakes Regional Conference last week. I had the pleasure of attending at Naperville, a beautiful facility led by Rev. Kitty Bensen with the fabulous Kim-Char Meredith as music director.
Because we were in three locations, I did not get to meet you all in person and I’d really like to do that in the near future. I’d like to get to know each of the ministers, spiritual leaders and Licensed Unity Teachers in the region. I know that’s a tall order!!
One of the blessings of Covid was Zoom. While we can’t all be in person, we can see one another and communicate better than with just a phone call. I’d like to start with a zoom call and then maybe branch out into a few zoom calls according to the needs of the group. I could foresee in the future having a call for ministers and spiritual leaders and another call for LUT’s and maybe yet another for board members and /or retired ministers. But let’s start with one and see how that goes.
Here’s the link to the event calendar. Ministers and Spiritual Leaders will meet via Zoom on the first Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. 'Let's Talk Church"
Leadership including Board and lay leaders will meet via Zoom on the third Thursday of the month at 2 PM E.T. See the Event Calendar Link.
I hope you will join me so we can get to know one another and to find out how I can serve you and/or your ministry.
My contact information is:
Rev Diane Robinson